Those Irish cliffs and Guinness 📍Republic of Ireland📸Fujifilm X-E4. Straight out of camera, using Kodak Ultramax 400 and Kodak Tri-X film recipes from Fuji X Weekly
Tropical Winter One morning about a week ago I noticed an offshore westerly wind when I woke up. And a fairly big swell to go with it. It was freezing cold too due to snow falling on nearby mountains the previous night. I grabbed my camera and drove down to the beach
Surf Contest Day Went out last weekend to take some photos of the vibe at the beach during a surf contest. 📍Scottburgh, South Africa📸Fujifilm X-E4 with Pacific Blues film recipe.
Kuala Lumpur in black & white Went out on a Sunday morning with my Fujifilm X-E4 and decided to only shoot JPEG's. I applied one of the stock film simulations, ACROS which is based on Fujifilm's ACROS film, manufactured in the early 2000s. This is what came out.
Bangkok Cyberpunk Had a quick stop over in Bangkok en-route to Kuala Lumpur late December 2022. Made most of my evening there behind the lens. Great city! 📍Bangkok, Thailand📷Fujifilm X-E4 using Jeff Davenport Night film recipe